The Department of Physics at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) invites applications for open faculty positions at the Assistant/Associate Professor levels on a tenure-track system. Candidates must have completed their PhD in Physics or related discipline from a reputed local or foreign university.
Candidates must have strong potential and passion to develop a globally competitive research programme of his/her own interest, with a vision to address national problems, in addition to addressing fundamental questions in science and technology. LUMS is committed to provide seed funds to develop such research programmes, in addition to providing state-of-the-art research infrastructure and a conducive teaching and research environment. Faculty members will be encouraged to submit research grant proposals to national and international funding agencies and to develop linkages with national and international research groups to make their research programmes productive, viable and self-sustained. They should also have a strong passion for teaching and will be required to teach both undergraduate and graduate students.