Faculty Profile

Mr. Uzair Jamil Kayani

Assistant Professor

Shaikh Ahmed Hassan School of Law

Interim Head of Department, SAHSOL

Uzair teaches Torts, Commercial Law, and Law & Economics. Tort liability distributes the costs of social and economic harms to those parties that can best prevent, bear, or insure against them. Commercial law sets default rules for market exchange (sales, negotiable instruments, and securities), and market participants (partnerships, corporations, and hybrid forms). Economic analysis of law applies microeconomic insights (primarily price theory, game theory, and social choice) to study the incentives created by law and other forms of regulation.

Uzair studied social choice and game theory with Professors Elizabeth M. Penn and John W. Patty at Washington University in St. Louis. He studied law and economics with Professor Richard Epstein, Judge Richard Posner, Professor William Landes, and Professor Douglas Baird at the University of Chicago. Earlier, Uz studied political philosophy, literature, and the Classics at Middlebury College (Vermont) and Deep Springs College (California).

Uz spends his free time toying with economic models and math puzzles, playing chess, writing, and playing guitar.


  1. Article: Law Done Backwards: The Tightening of Civil and Loosening of Criminal Protections, 42 Nova L. Rev. 179 (2018)
  2. Book Chapter: Antiterrorism as Neocolonialism: Prophylactic Governance in an Uncertain World, in Linda Bishai ed. Law, Security, and the State of Perpetual Emergency (Palgrave 2020)
  3. Book Chapter: The Law and Economics of Human Rights in Pakistan, in Satvinder Juss ed., Human Rights in Pakistan, forthcoming (Rowman & Littlefield US, 2021)
  4. Article: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, sith Sikander A. Shah, in Jane Hoffbauer ed., The Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights, forthcoming (2021)
  5. Working Paper: Non-Tariff Barriers and Pakistan’s Regional Trade: A Legal and Economic Analysis, with Sikander A. Shah (IGC 2014)
  6. Article in Progress: Weighing Legal Arguments: Probabilistic and Interpretive Approaches.
  7. Article in Progress: Aggregate Decisions in Game Theory and Social Choice.


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