Physics Department presents
Symposium on Quantum and Nano-Optics
Date: April 12, 2018
Time: 9:00 am -12:45 pm
Venue: CS Smart Room, SBASSE, LUMS
Deadline to Register: April 9, 2018
This event provides a platform for guest speakers and LUMS faculty to exchange ideas and discuss their current research in the areas of optics, quantum information and condensed matter through a series of talks.
Dr. Shi-Yao Zhu, Zhejiang University, China
Dr. Ligang Wang, Zhejiang University, China, Wolf Effect of Light in Two-Dimensional Curved Space
Dr. Jun Jing, Zhejiang University, China
Dr. Jian Zi, Fudan University, China
Dr. Imran Cheema, LUMS, Towards Rapid and Portable Optical Sensors for Detecting Water and Milk Contamination
Dr. Adam Zaman, LUMS
Dr. Ata ul Haq, LUMS, Magneto-Optical control of Mesoscopic Spin Bath
Dr. Ammar Ahmed Khan, LUMS, Liquid Crystal Lasers: Photonic Band-Edge and Multiple Scattering-Based Random Lasers
Dr. Muhammad Faryad, LUMS, Zero Index Metamaterials Using Photonic Crystals
Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar, LUMS
Muzammil Shah, LUMS, Magneto-Optics of 2D materials
The Programme Schedule is available here.