Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed Maratib Ali School of Education (SOE) is hosting a team from the IVY School, Karachi, under the SOE’s Models of Educational Innovation Series. In this series, practitioners are invited to present interesting and innovative solutions to problems of access and quality in education. The interactive forum provides students with a chance to reflect on the organisation’s theory of action/change, the scale and sustainability of the model as well as its larger policy implications.
Speakers: Ali Anwerzada and Aliya Hashim
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2020
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Venue: SOE 01, LUMS
The Ivy School is an independent private school based in Karachi founded by Ali Anwerzada and Aliya Hashim in 2018. At Ivy, the curriculum and ethos of the school follow the philosophy of Outward Bound Schools, USA. The curriculum is project-based with a strong emphasis on character development and service. The school follows a mastery-based approach to learning and every student is given personalised attention. Learning is supported through daily mentoring, real-world problem-solving and a culture that engenders student voice and agency.
The presentation from Mr. Anwerzada and Ms. Hashim will cover the following topics:
• Inquiry and Mastery
• Content Based Literacy
• Whole Child Philosophy
• Service Learning Projects
• Student Engaged Learning