LUMS Students Mathematics Society (LSMS), in collaboration with the Mathematics Department, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) is presenting SIGMA at LUMS. LSMS is a pioneering organisation set up in LUMS, geared towards nurturing an interest in mathematics among the youth of today through a calendar of lively events aimed to spark their intellectual curiosity.
Date: February 8-10, 2019
Venue: Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
This flagship event SIGMA is a high school level Mathematics Competitions, ranging from basic maths to puzzles that require far-fetched logical and mathematical reasoning. This tournament will be one of a kind and will be posing mathematical challenges in a fun-filled way. It will not only develop an interest in the students but will also allow them to work as a team to solve problems outside the classroom environment. All top-school teams are expected to be the part of this event.
The tournament consists of eight events namely: Kahoot, Taboo, Hitori, Crack the Image, Minute to Win It, Scavenger Hunt, Choose Your Fate followed by the final event, Ring a Bell? There will be Shields for SIGMA’19 winners and Certificate of Participation for all other students, as well as special recognition for the most outstanding participants.
The participants are required to register by filling out the Online Registration Form. Participants can be O Level/Matric, FSc/A Level students and freshman/sophomores at university. Each school can send up to five teams consisting of three to five students each. Registration fee for the competition is PKR 2,500 per participant with the delegation fee of PKR 1,000 per team.
The last day to register and make the payment is January 25, 2019.