Inhabiting the Sacred: Sufism and Shrines in Khawaja Sira Imaginations

Thursday, November 10, 2016 - 4:00pm
Faculty Lounge, VC’s Office, Main Academic Block

The HSS Seminar

Inhabiting the Sacred: Sufism and Shrines in

Khawaja Sira Imaginations




Dr. Amen Jaffer

Thursday 10 November 2016

4:00 – 5:30 pm


Faculty Lounge, VC’s Office,

Main Academic Block



Dr. Amen Jaffer is Assistant Professor of Sociology in HSS at LUMS. He has a PhD in Sociology from the New School of Social Research. His research explores the social dynamics of religious institutions and urban communities in South Asia with a focus on mazaars and mohallahs for construction of a distinctive subaltern urbanity in the region.





Mohammad Waseem

Rabia Zaid