The Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL) at LUMS is holding a ceremony to mark the inauguration of the Centre for Chinese Legal Studies (CCLS) at the University. The Centre is being established in collaboration with the School of Law at Wuhan University (SLWU), China, as a groundbreaking initiative for research, promotion and teaching of Chinese legal studies in Pakistan.
Date: Friday, October 11, 2019
Venue: Asifa-Irfan Moot Court Room, SAHSOL, LUMS
About the Centre
The Centre for Chinese Legal Studies has been founded as a hub for shared legal resources and an exchange of knowledge between Pakistani academics and their Chinese counterparts. The Centre will broaden the legal knowledge base, equip lawyers to work on Pak-China projects and will aid in the research, promotion and teaching of Chinese legal studies. The resulting collaboration on research projects and exchange visits will build intellectual capital for both nations and will also build academic capacity in Pakistan for the study and teaching of Chinese law.
Note: Admission to the event is by invite only.