Fourth Regional Lab Immersion Programme 2016

Saturday, December 17, 2016 - 9:00am to Thursday, December 22, 2016 - 5:00pm

The Department of Physics presents

Fourth Regional Lab Immersion Programme 2016


Date: December 17 -22, 2016

Venue: Physlab, Physics Department, Second Floor, Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE),LUMS


About the event

The Regional Laboratory Immersion Programme (RLIP) 2016 is an international training workshop programme organised by the Department of Physics and the Centre for Experimental Physics Education (CEPE), Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering, LUMS, Lahore.


The workshop will span 6 days and will comprise lectures, laboratory work, demonstrations and guest lectures, from seasoned instructors.

Additionally, there will be an interactive laboratory session where the participants will be guided through the complete cycle of:

Generating physical data

Understanding data and inferring physics from data

Impeccable recording of practical work through laboratory notebooks

Presenting results with an acute sense of precision, significance, relevance. There will be particular emphasis on: Acquiring experimental data, presenting data, analyzing and processing

Data, building equipment, analyzing error and uncertainties and report writing. In addition, there will be inspiring lectures on great experiments in sciences.

Who is this Workshop Aimed For?

It is oriented towards post-graduate students, researchers and teachers who are involved in the field of physics education and experimental sciences. The workshop aims to enhance teaching skills, demonstrate vivid classroom experiments, design and building of physics experiments and developing skills in using modern tools for data acquisition and analysis.


Motivation of CEPE’s Lab Immersion Programmes

Physics education, in Pakistan and many other developing countries, has not been able to plant interest in the experimental domain. The conventional approaches of teaching physics, with little or no experimental aids and those too being run-of-the-mill, boring and unexciting, have arrested the intellectual growth of our instructional laboratories. The economic apprehensions of developing physics teaching labs and the academic apprehensions of time investment at the cost of research and publishing journal articles for personal benefit and promotion has also contributed to the sorry state of affairs. Through the Regional Lab Immersion Program, we intend to address these problems by offering a concentrated five-day intensive program primarily meant for teachers and trainers introducing (a) skills and (b) tools in the physics laboratory. The net result is that laboratory experience is rewarding and stimulating in its own right, experiments can be designed and are accessible and modern tools (cameras, smart phones etc) can also be employed to enrich the lab experience.


Contributed Talks

Participants are encouraged to submit titles and abstract for contributed talks related to the physics laboratory instruction, including but not limited to:

Design of new laboratory experiments and techniques

Low-cost equipment and techniques for the developing world that can enhance physics laboratory instruction

Design ideas from physics competitions

Relationship between physics experimentation, history, archaeology and culture

Translation of research into education and student training

Proposals and successful examples of physics instruction etc.

These proposals can be submitted through the event registration form. The form can be accessed by clicking here.


Important Dates

October 24, 2016              Last date for registration and submission of posters for international participants

October26, 2016               Notification of acceptance and decision on financial assistance for international participants

October 31, 2016              Last date for registration and submission of posters for national participants

November 7, 2016           Notification of acceptance of national participants

November 21, 2016         Last date for payment of registration fees for national participants