Fatima Group will be coming to LUMS to conduct a recruitment drive for their Empower to Lead Programme; the information session will be followed by an online test. They are in search of the most talented and creative individuals with leadership abilities to become a part of their organisation.
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Time: 6:30 pm onwards
Venue for Information Session: NIB Auditorium, 1st floor, Academic Block, LUMS
Online Test Venue: Programming Lab, Syed Babar Ali School of Science & Engineering, LUMS
Target Audience
• MBA II for the position of Management Trainee Officer (MTO)
• EE & CS (4th year) for the position of Graduate Trainee Engineers (GTE)
• MBA I & EE (3rd year) for Internships
Eligibility Criterion: CGPA 3.00 and above
About the Company
Fatima Group is the most progressive business conglomerate in Pakistan, with a strong portfolio of products and services. It is a significant player in the growth and sustainability of important industries of the Country. Our mission is to provide employees an exciting, enabling and supportive environment to excel in, be innovative & entrepreneurial in an ethical and safe working place based on meritocracy and equal opportunity.
Company website http://fatima-group.com/
LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/company/fatima-group