Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed Maratib Ali School of Education (SOE) presents
EduSpeak 2019 - Evaluating the Effectiveness and Impact of Educational Programmes and Projects
Speaker: Dr. Denise Chalmers, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Australia
Date: Monday, February 4, 2019
Time: 02:00 – 03:00 pm
Venue: SOE-01, LUMS Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed Maratib Ali School of Education, Library Building, 3rd Floor, LUMS
About the Talk
Educational programmes or projects are typically established without a clear plan of how to evaluate their effectiveness or impact. This is largely because thoughtful consideration is often not given to what would be appropriate evidence of effectiveness and whom or what should be impacted by the programmes when it is being designed. While it is possible to collect robust evidence after a programme has commenced, a more effective way is to devise an evaluation plan at the outset so that evidence can be collected at strategic points throughout a programme to inform all stakeholders - students, teachers and administrators – on the progress of the programme and its achievement of intended and unintended outcomes. This presentation will provide participants an opportunity to consider their programme and begin to design an evaluation plan with indicators of effectiveness and impact.
Related Readings:
− Moya, B., Turra, H., & Chalmers, D. (2018). Developing and implementing a robust and flexible framework for the evaluation and impact of educational development in higher education in Chile. International Journal for Academic Development.
− Ahmad, A., Fenton, N., Graystone, L., Acai, A., Matthews, KE., & Chalmers, D. (2018). Investigating impact in higher education. HERDSA Guide. HERDSA Hammondville, NSW.
About the Speaker
Dr. Denise Chalmers, Professor Emeritus in the field of higher education teaching and learning at the University of Western Australia, was awarded an OLT National Senior Teaching Fellowship on recognising and rewarding university teaching in 2015 and an Australian Award for University Teaching: Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning in 2014. In 2017 she was awarded Life membership by HERDSA. She has over 25 years demonstrated leadership in higher education, leading two university Centres of Teaching and Learning as Director and was a Foundation Director of the Carrick Institute (later ALTC) with responsibility for Awards, Fellowships and International Links. She has served as President and then as Vice President of the Council of Australian Directors of Academic Development (CADAD) 2008-2014. She is President-Elect for the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA). She has initiated and led several institutional, national and international initiatives and projects including developing and embedding teaching quality criteria and indicators and promoting the use of teaching and learning performance indicators to guide decision making and resource allocation.