The Centre for Continuing Education Studies (CES) at LUMS is excited to invite you to a special talk by leading fashion designer, Hassan Sheheryar Yasin, popularly known as HSY.
The renowned fashion designer will deliver an inspiring session on his journey as a designer and will also discuss the importance of PR in the fashion world. This is a chance to meet the fashion icon, and have your fashion-related queries answered.
Date: Monday, October 14, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Venue: NIB Auditorium, Academic Block, LUMS
Prior registration for this event is mandatory. If you would like to attend, please register here.
About the Speaker
Mr. Yasin has been making waves in the showbiz industry for almost two decades, and has earned a reputation of being unparalleled in his distinctive and creative designs.