Career counselling is vital once you have entered university life. You need consistent guidance and need to stay up-to-date with various opportunities regarding particular programmes. The Career Services Office (CSO) at LUMS is always on the go, making sure you are not missing out on any opportunity.
If you are planning to pursue higher studies in Turkey, the upcoming information session will be very beneficial for you. The session will be led by Mr. Efe Mehmet Carlik, who is responsible for International Marketing and Student Recruitment at Koç University. This is a great opportunity for you to gather information on admissions, study opportunities, scholarships and entry requirements at Koç University.
Date: Monday, September 16, 2019
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Venue: NIB Auditorium, Academic Block, LUMS
About the University
Koç University was founded in 1993 in Istanbul. It is a non-profit private research university, supported by the resources of the internationally renowned Vehbi Koç Foundation. Since its establishment, the university has emerged as a centre of global excellence in science and education and is uniquely positioned to explore the overlaps of Medicine, Engineering, Science, Social Sciences and Administrative Sciences to further pursue basic and applied research, in order to attract the best students and faculty members. Koç University supports academic and interpersonal development, while concurrently imparting the critical thinking necessary to analyse knowledge, creativity and lifelong learning. The university practices a student-oriented approach to education, and provides its students with the necessary support mechanisms for learning and development.