10th Teaching the Teachers Workshop: Electronic Circuits for Instrumentation and Measurements

Monday, August 27, 2018 - 9:00am to Friday, August 31, 2018 - 6:00pm
SBASSE Auditorium 10-201

Department of Electrical Engineering presents

10th Teaching the Teachers Workshop: Electronic Circuits for Instrumentation and Measurements

Date: August 27 – 31, 2018
Venue: SBASSE Auditorium 10-201
Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm


This workshop will be the conducted by Prof. Asad Ali Abidi and will focus on

  • Waveform probing, display, and analysis using oscilloscopes and spectrum analysers, with focus on system principles and key circuits
  • Impedance, and the simultaneous measurement of RLC
  • Fundamentals of noise and dynamic range in electronic circuits
  • Sensor interface amplifiers with very low noise, offset and drift
  • Low voltage, low power circuits capable of operating from a single cell
  • Stable clock circuits, quartz crystal resonators
  • Modelling A/D and D/A converters and their associated interface circuits
  • Problems of high-frequency circuit design and measurement
  • PC board design for high frequencies: art and science



Prof. Asad Ali Abidi received the BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College, London in 1976, and his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1982. He worked at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill until 1985, and then joined the faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles where he is Distinguished Chancellor’s Professor of Electrical Engineering. With his students, he has developed many of the radio circuits and architectures that enable today’s mobile devices. Among other awards, Professor Abidi has received the 2008 IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits and the Best Paper Award from the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits in 2012. The University of California, Berkeley’s Department of EECS recognised him as a Distinguished Alumnus in 2015. He was elected Fellow of IEEE in 1996, Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, and Fellow of TWAS, the world academy of sciences.

Professor Abidi holds the Abdus Salam Chair at the SBASSE School of Science and Engineering, LUMS, Lahore.



1- Complete the registration form

2- Email your CV’s to
Mr. Affan Anwar
Senior Officer – EE Department
Email: affan.anwar@lums.edu.pk
Phone: +92- 42 -3560-8000, Ext: 3527,

3- After notification of selection,
Pay through Bank draft in the name of
“Lahore University of Management Sciences”


Industrial Professionals: PKR 5000
Academic Members: PKR 3000
Note: Limited seats available. Only shortlisted will attend and pay the registration fee.


• Workshop Instructions for 5 days
• Refreshments and Lunch
• Stationary & Writing Pads
• Certificates
Note: Accommodation is not included


Dr. Wasif Tanveer Khan
Assistant Professor
EE Department, SBASSE, LUMS
Email: wasif.tanveer@lums.edu.pk
Call: +92- 42 -3560-8471

Dr. Hassan Abbas Khan
Assistant Professor
EE Department, SBASSE, LUMS
Email: hassan.khan@lums.edu.pk
Call: +92- 42 -3560-8356