Recruiting Partners

Sr. Organisation Names Sr. Organisation Names

2ndQuadrant Ltd

733 Lahmeyer International GmbH
3 360 Degrees Creative Solutions Pvt. Ltd 734 Lahore Biennale Foundation
4 3M 735 Lahore Grammar School
5 3P Learning 736 Lahore Parking Company
6 50dev Software Labs 737 Lahore School of Economics
7 7Vals 738 Lahore Transport Company, Government of The Punjab
8 A.I. MIR LLC. 739 Lahore University of Management Sciences
9 A.S Group of Steel Industries 740 Lahore Waste Management Company
10 Aahung 741 Lakson Business Solutions
11 AAJ Technologies 742 Lakson Group
12 Aamer Raza Law Associates 743 Lakson Investments Limited
13 Abacus Consulting 744 Lampro Mellon
14 ABB 745 Landscape Pvt. Ltd.
15 Abbott 746 Lane Twelve
16 ABL 747 Langspire (Pvt) Ltd.
17 ABL Asset Management Company Limited 748 LangSpire Public Networking Services LLC
18 ABM Group 749 Laser Vision Centre
19 ABN News 750 LCC
20 Abraaj Group 751 LCCI
21 Abroke Bakers 752 LEAD Pakistan
22 ABS&Co, Advocate and Corporate Counsels 753 Learning Alliance Pvt.) LTD
23 Abudawood Pakistan 754 Learnobots
24 Academia Civitas 755 LEMNation Pvt. Ltd
25 Acasus 756 LESCO
26 ACCA Pakistan 757 Levi Strauss & Co
27 Ace Tech Solutions LLC 758
28 ACTED 759 Limitless Development Services
29 Active Capital IT 760 LIT - Learn Interact Think
30 ActiveKey Solutions (Pvt) Ltd 761 LMK Resources Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.
31 Adam Smith International 762 LMKR Holdings
32 Adamjee Life Insurance 763 Logic
33 AdAstra 764 Logicon
34 Adcom (Pvt) Ltd. 765 Logicose
35 ADDO AI 766 L'Oréal
36 Admission Advisors 767 Lotte Pakistan PTA Ltd.
37 Admore Gas (Pvt) Limited. 768 LOTUS Client Management & Public Relations
38 Advance Building Construction Company 769 Louis Dreyfus Company Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.
39 Advanced Digital Solutions International, Inc 770 LOWE & RAUF
40 AEDesign (Private) Limited 771 Lucky Cement
41 Aenzay Interiors & Architects 772 LuckyOne
42 Aequitas (Private) Limited  773 Lulsar
43 Afiniti Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd 774 M&S
44 Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance 775 M.R. Consultants Pvt. Ltd
45 Aga Khan Foundation, an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network 776 M/S Aziz Group of Companies
46 Aga Khan Rural Support Program, Pakistan 777 MACRO Pak Solutions
47 Agha Khan Development Network 778 Maersk Line Agency (Pvt) Limited
48 AGHS Legal Aid Cell 779 Maersk Pakistan
49 Agility 780 MAG Textile Corporation
50 Agriculture Department- Government of Punjab 781 Magcom Pvt. Ltd.
51 AHG Flavours Pvt LTD 782 Magnus Investment Advisors Limited
53 AiFi Technologies LLC 784 Malcus & Myre
54 Air University 785 Management Systems International (MSI)
55 Aircod Technologies 786 Mandi Express Pvt. Ltd.
56 Airlift Technologies Limited 787 Mandviwalla & Zafar
57 AirLink Communication 788 Manuchar
58 AirSial Limited 789 Mari Gas Company Limited.
59 Aisha Steel Mills Limited 790 Mari Petroleum Company
60 Aitchison College 791 Marriott International, Inc.
61 AJURIS Advocates & Corporate Counsel 792 Martin Dow
62 Akademos 793 Masood Textile
63 AKCSB 794 Master Group
64 AKD Investment Management Limited 795 Master Group of Industries
65 AKD Securities Limited 796 Master Wind Energy Limited
66 Akhtar Javaid Law Associates(AJLA) 797 Matrix Sourcing
67 Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management 798 Mausummery
68 Akram Sheikh Law Associates (ASLA) 799 Mayfair
69 Akzo Nobel Pakistan Limited 800 MCA Co., Ltd
70 Al Jail Group 801 MCB Arif Habib Savings and Investments Limited
71 Al Meezan Investment Management Ltd. 802 MCB Bank Ltd
72 Al Qudra Vehicle Repair 803 MCB Islamic Bank
73 Al Rostamani Group 804 McKinsey & Company
74 Alamgir Welfare Trust International 805 Medequips SMC Pvt LTD
75 Al-Asar Institute of Technology 806 Medi Urge (Private) Limited
76  Albaraka 807 Medical Transcription & Billing Company (MTBC)
77 Albario Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. 808 Medicare Trust
78 Alfanar 809 Mediland Pakistan Pvt Ltd
79 Al-Faysal Investment Bank Limited 810 Medtronic
80 Al-Ghazi Tractors Ltd 811 Meezan Bank Ltd
81 Alhamd International 812 Mentor, a Siemens Business
82 Ali & Associates 813 Mera Sabaq Learning Systems Pvt Ltd
83 Ali Akbar Group Pakistan 814 Merck
84 Ali Institute of Education 815 Merit Packaging Limited
85 Alif Ailan 816 Metaline Group Industries
86 Alivia Analytics 817 Metis International
87 Alkaram Textile Mills (Pvt) Ltd. 818 Metito
88 All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (Punjab Region) 819 Metro Consulting Grid
89 Alliance Sugar Mills (Pvt) Ltd 820 METRO Pakistan (Pvt) Limited
90 Allied Consultatnts 821 Michael Page Human Resources
91 Alpha Insurance Company Ltd. 822 MICHE
92 AlphaBOLD 823 MicroTech Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.
93 AlphaSights 824 Midas Safety
94 Alphatech Pvt. Ltd 825 MILLAT TRACTORS LIMITED 
95 Al-Riaz Chemicals 826 Mind Professionals
96 alt analytica 827 Mindbridge (Pvt) Ltd.
97 Al-Technique Corporation of Pakistan Limited (ATCOP) 828 Mindstorm Studios (Pvt) Limited
98 Amal Academy 829 MINISO
99 Aman Foundation 830 Minto & Mirza Advocates & Solicitors
100 Aman Tech (Aman Foundation) 831 Miranz Technologies Private Limited (Blockchain Expert Solutions)
101 Amigo Software (PVT) Limited 832 Mistsubishi Corporation
102 Amreli Steels Limited 833 Mobile Health Unit
103 AMS-Power & Industrial Engineering Private Ltd 834 Mobilink Microfinance
104 Analytics Private Limited 835 MobiServe Pakistan
105 Angels International College (AIC) 836 MobiTising
106 Anwar Corporation 837 Modemetric
108 AomataTech 839 MOL
109 Apex Solutions 840 Monami Tech
110 Apollo Consulting Group 841 Mondelēz International
111 Apollo Telecom 842 MUFG Bank, Ltd.
112 Arbisoft Private Limited 843 Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited
113 Archroma 844 Mughals
114 Arena Multimedia 845 Mujtaba Jamal Law Associates
115 ArhamSoft (PVT) Ltd 846 Muller & Phipps
116 Arif Habib Corporation Limited 847 Multan Electric Power Company Limited (MEPCO)
117 Army Welfare Trust 848 Multinet
118 Art Vision Pvt. Ltd. 849 Musawi
119 Arthur Lawrence 850 My Private Tutor Source (Pvt) LTD
120 Artistic Fabric and Garment Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. 851 Mystic Advertising
121 Artistic Milliners (Pvt.) Ltd. 852 Nadeem Caterers & Event Management Company
122 Arzepak 853 Namak Khor
123 Ascend Consulting 854 Namal Education Foundation
124 Ascend Talent (Private) Limited 855 Narejo Human Resources
125 Ascendant Compliance Management 856 Naseba
126 Asia Petroleum Ltd. 857 National Agricultural Research Center
127 Asian Consumer Care Pakistan Pvt Ltd 858 National Bank of Pakistan
128 Asian Development Bank 859 National Commission for Human Development
129 Asif Associates Chartered Accountants 860 National Data Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
130 Askari Bank Limited 861 National Dialogue Forum
131 Askari Cement Limited 862 National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited
132 Askari Life 863 National Foods
133 Aspin Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 864 National Highway Authority
134 ASSA HR Consultancy 865 National Incubation Center (LUMS NIC)
135 Associated Consulting Engineers - ACE (Pvt) Ltd 866 National Instruments
136 Associated Technologies (Pvt) Ltd 867 National Productivity Organization (NPO)
137 Associates in Development Pvt. Ltd. 868 National Refinery Limited
138 Astera Software Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited 869 National Telecomunication Corporation
139 Atheneum Partners (Private) Limited 870 National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (FAST-NU)
140 A. T. Kearney – Middle East & Africa 871 National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
141 Atlas Asset Management Limited 872 Nativ learning
142 Atlas Copco Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited 873 Naubahar Botling Company (Pvt) Ltd.
143 Atlas Honda Ltd 874 Nauman Associates
144 ATTA ULLAH ENTERPRISES (AUE) – Life Technologies 875 Nayatel Pvt. Ltd
145 At-Tahur Limtied 876 NBP Fund Management Limited
146 Attock Cement Pakistan Limited 877 NDC Training Academy (Pvt) Ltd.
147 Attock Refinery Limited 878 NDS Technologies
148 Auditor General of Pakistan - Government of Pakistan 879 Nearpeer
149 AuditXPRT Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. 880 NEPRA 
150 AugmentCare 881 Nestlé Pakistan Ltd
151 Auj Group 882 Netsol Technologies
152 Auriga Group Of Companies 883 Network of Disaster Management Practitioners (Pvt.) Ltd (NDMP)
153 Automotive Artificial Intelligence (Pvt).Ltd 884 NEXT Pharmaceutical Products (Pvt.) Ltd.
154 Avanceon Ltd 885 NEXX Financial Consultants W.L.L.
155 Avanza Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd. 886 Nine Alpha Global Pvt. Ltd. (Intagleo Systems)
156 Axis Educational Trust 887 Nippon Paint
157 Azfar Agencies 888 Nishat Chunian Group
158 Azgard Nine Limited 889 Nishat Group
159 Baba Farid Sugar Mills Limited 890 Nishat Linen
160 Bahria Town Pvt Ltd 891 Nishat Mills Limited
161 Bahria Town School & College 892 Noble Textile Mills Pvt. Ltd
162 Bain & Company Middle East, Inc. | Media One Tower 893
163 Bait ul Salam School 894 Noor Bank
164 Bank Al Habib Limited 895 NorthBay Solutions
165 Bank Alfalah 896 Norwegian Red Cross
166 BankIslami Pakistan Limited 897 Novartis Pakistan
167 BASF Pakistan Private Limited 898 Novo Nordisk Pakistan
168 Bata Pakistan 899 NOWPDP
169 Bayer AG 900 NRSP Microfinance Bank Limited
170 Bayer Pakistan (Private) 901 NTDC (National Transmission & Despatch Company)
171 902 Oak Media
172 Bayut Web Publishing FZ LLC 903 Oasis Group Holdings (Pty) Limited
173 BBDO Pakistan 904 Obortunity Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
174 BBS & Co Ltd 905 OBS PAKISTAN
175 BDO Ebrahim & Co. 906 OffRoad Studios
176 Beaconhouse School System 907 Oil & Gas Investment Limited (OGIL)
177 (Pvt) Ltd 908 Oktopus 360Media (Pvt) Ltd
178 Beiersdorf Pakistan Private Limited 909 OLX
179 Bench Events 910 Olympia Chemicals Limited
180 Bentley Systems Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 911 Omar Minerals (subsidiary of Omar Associates)
181 Berger Paints Pakistan Limited 912 OMD Pakistan 
182 Berlitz Pakistan 913 Omnicom
183 Bermuda Investment Advisory Services Limited 914 Omnicom Media Group
184 Bestway Cement Limited 915 OMS Privated Ltd.
185 Beyond the Classroom 916 OMV (Pakistan) Exploration GmbH
186 BF Biosciences Limited 917 On Farm Water Management
187 Bhandari Naqvi Riaz 918 On Technologies
188 Bilal Enterprises 919 One Byte
189 Bilytica Private Limited 920 Optimedia
190 BIMA 921 Optimedia (Pvt.) Ltd. (Kinetic Pakistan)
191 BIPL Securities Limited 922 Ora-Tech Systems (Pvt) Limited.
192 Bizware (Private) Limited 923 Orenda Project
193 Blaze Group 924 Orient Cargo Services 
194 Blitz Advertising (Pvt.) Limited 925 Orient Energy Systems (Pvt.) Ltd
195 BLONK Group 926 Orient Group of Companies
196 Bludge 927 Orr. Dignam & Co
197 Blue Group of Companies 928 Outfitters Stores
198 Blue Tech Solutions 929 Ovex Technologies Pakistan
199 Blueeast Pvt Ltd 930 Oxfam
200 BMA Asset Management Company Limited 931 Oxford Policy Management
201 BNR - Bhandari Naqvi Riaz 932 OXI Water
202 BOBBY KHAN ENTERPRISES LIMITED 933 Pakistan Oxygen Limited (formerly Linde Pakistan Limited)
203 BOL Network 934 OZI Technology
204 Bosch Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. 935 PaaySay
205 Boston Physiotherapy & Wellness Clinic 936 Pace (Pakistan) Limited
206 Botnostic Solutions 937 Packages Group (Packages Limited)
207 Brainchild Communications 938 Packages Mall – Packages Real Estate (Private.) Limited
208 Bramerz (Pvt) Limited 939 Pacsquare Technologies Pvt. Ltd.    
209 Brand Spectrum (pvt) Ltd 940 PAIR Investment Company Limited
210 Bridge Asia Financial Services 941 Pak Arab Refinery Limited
211 Brighto Paints (Pvt) Ltd 942 Pak Brunei Investment Company Ltd.
212 British American Tobacco 943 Pak Kuwait Investment Company
213 British Council Pakistan 944 Pak Petrochemical Industries Pvt. Ltd
214 British High Commission Islamabad 945 Pak Qatar Family Takaful Limited
215 Broadcom 946 Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd.
216 Broadpeak Technologies (Smc-Pvt) Ltd. 947 Pak Wheels Pvt Ltd
217 BSS Software 948 Pak-China Investment Company
219 Bukhatir Education Advancement and Management International (BEAM) 950 Pakistan Aluminium Beverages Cans Limited (PABC)
220 Buksh Group 951 Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
221 Bulleh Shah Packaging Pvt Ltd 952 Pakistan Beverage Limited
222 Bulls Eye Communications (Pvt) Ltd  953 Pakistan Cables Limited
223 Burak19 Technology Solutions (Private) Limited 954 Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy
224 Burque Corporation 955 Pakistan Coalition for Education
225 Business Recorder 956 Pakistan Crescent Youth Organization
226 Business Research and Support Channel (BRC) 957 Pakistan Cricket Board
227 Buxly Paints Limited 958 Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency
228 Byco Petroleum Pakistan Limited 959 Pakistan International Airlines
229 Bykea Technologies Pvt Ltd 960 Pakistan International Airlines
230 Can Asian Synergies Pvt. Ltd 961 Pakistan Kuwait Investment Company (Private) Ltd.
231 Canadian High Commission 962 Pakistan Mercantile Exchange
232 Capital Development Authority 963 Pakistan Microfinance Investment Company Limited
233 Capital Group of Companies 964 Pakistan Microfinance Network
234 Capven Sweets Private Limited. (Hagen Dazs) 965 Pakistan National Shipping Corporation
235 Capventures Pakistan (Pvt) Limited 966 Pakistan Oilfields Limited
236 Caramel Tech Studios 967 Pakistan Pediatric Association
237 CARE Foundation Pakistan 968 Pakistan Petroleum Limited
238 CARE International in Pakistan 969 Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
239 Careaxiom 970 Pakistan Red Crescent Society
240 Careem 971 Pakistan Society for Training & Development
241 Careem International 972 Pakistan State Oil (PSO)
242 Career Advisory Services Limited 973 Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation Pvt Ltd
243 Caregiver 974 Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
244 CarFirst  975 Pakistan Technological Services Company (PTSCO)
245 Cargill Pakistan Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. 976 Pakistan Tobacco Company Limited
246 Carnelian Pvt. Limited 977 Pakistan-China Institute
247 Carrefour 978 Panasian Group of Companies
248 Carte Blanche 979 Panda
249 CCL Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd 980 Panther Tyres Limited
250 CD Projekt 981 PARCO
251 Cedar College 982 Parexel 
252 Center for Aerospace & Security Studies 983 Parwah Foundation
253 Centre of Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP) 984 Path Solutions
254 Centurion VR 985 Pay Card
255 Century Insurance (Lakson Group) 986 PAΪR Investment Company Limited
256 Century Paper & Board Mills Limited 987 PDQ Textiles
257 CF Corporation - (Carter Fleming Search) 988 Pearl Continental Hotel
258 Chanar Sugar Mills Ltd. 989 PEL
259 Cheetay Logistics 990 Pentaloop
260 Cherat Cement Company Limited. 991 PepsiCo, Inc.
261 Chevron Pakistan Lubricants Pvt Ltd 992 Peshawar Zalmi (My Sports World)
262 Chief Minister’s Office- Government of the Punjab 993 Petroleum Exploration (Pvt) Ltd.
263 ChildLife Foundation 994 Pfizer
264 China National Electric Engineering Co., Ltd (CNEEC) 995 Pharma Health
265 China Power Hub Generation Company (Pvt.) Limited 996 Philip Morris International
266 Chughtai Lab 997 Phips one exchange
267 Cinepax Private Limited 998 Phoenix Automation & Technologies
268 Cinnova Technologies 999 PICT (Ltd.)
269 Citibank N.A., Pakistan 1000 Pioneer Cement Limited
270 Citizens Commission for Human Development 1001 Pioneer Pakistan Seed Limited
271 City School Pvt Ltd. 1002 Pirch Piyali
272 Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Programme 1003 PITCO Pakistan
273 Classic International Trading 1004 Pk Meat & Food Company
274 Clipsal Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 1005 Planning & Development Board
275 Cloud Solutions Pakistan (PVT.) Limited 1006 Planning & Development Department, Government of the Punjab
276 Cloud3 Solutions 1007 Platalytics
277 CloudPlex.IO Pvt Ltd 1008 Platinum Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd.
278 CM-PAK, ZONG. 1009 PlumLogix
279 Coats Group 1010 Porsche Pakistan
280 Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd 1011 PosterMyWall
281 Codistan Private Limited 1012 "Power Cement Ltd. (Part of Arif Habib Group, Karachi) (Represented by Syngro
Consulting- Lahore)"
282 Coffey International Development Ltd 1013 Power International Holding
283 Colabs Pvt. Ltd 1014 Power Technology Research LLC
284 Colgate-Palmolive Pakistan 1015 Powersoft19 SQA
285 Collective for Social Science Research 1016 Powerzone
286 Colony Sugar Mills Limited. 1017 Premier Energy Pvt Ltd
287 Commerce Division, Ministry of Commerce - Government of Pakistan 1018 Premier Oil Pakistan Holdings B.V.
288 Commtel Digital 1019 Presson Descon International (Pvt) Limited (PDIL)
289 Competition Commission of Pakistan 1020 PricewaterhouseCoopers Middle East (PwC)
290 COMSATS University Islamabad 1021 Private Power and Infrastructure Board
291 Comstar ISA (Information System Associates) Ltd. 1022 PROCHECK
292 Concillium Inc. 1023 Procter & Gamble Pakistan
293 Confiz Limited 1024 Programme Monitoring & Implementation Unit (PMIU)
294 Connecting Networks 1025 Programmers Force
295 ConsoliAds Pvt. Ltd 1026 Progressive Education Network (PEN)
296 Consortium For Development Policy Research 1027 Providus Capital
297 Content Arcade 1028 PTCL
298 Continental Biscuits Ltd. 1029 Public Private Partnership Cell
299 Contour Software 1030 Publicis Pakistan
300 Convo Corporation 1031 Punjab Beverages Company Pvt. Limited
301 COPPERGAT CABLES (PVT) LTD 1032 Punjab Board of Investment & Trade PBIT
302 Corporate Marketing Communicatins (CMC) 1033 Punjab College of Commerce
303 Cosmo Enterprise 1034 Punjab Commission on the Status of Women
304 Cotcom Sourcing Pvt Ltd.  1035 Punjab Economic Research Institute
305 Coty Inc 1036 Punjab Education Foundation
306 Courting the Law 1037 Punjab Education Sector Reform Program
307 Creative Chaos Pvt. Ltd 1038 Punjab Health Care Commission
308 Creative Dots 1039 Punjab- Higher Education Department
309 CreativeMorph 1040 Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB)
310 CREESAW Center for Research on Ecoomic Empowerment of South Asian Women 1041 Punjab Land Records Authority
311 Crescent Bahuman Limited 1042 Punjab Metrobus Authority- Lahore Orange Line Metro
312 Crescent Group 1043 Punjab Municipal Development Fund Company
313 Crescent Steels & Allied Products 1044 Punjab Police
314 Crestex 1045 Punjab Population Innovation Fund
315 Crewlogix Technologies 1046 Punjab Power Development Company
316 CricEngis (CRIC - Centro Regionale di Intervento per la Cooperazione) 1047 Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA)
317 Cricingif (Allsports Pvt. Ltd) 1048 Punjab Revenue Authority
318 Crowdception 1049 Punjab Rural Support Programme
319 Cupola 1050 Punjab SAAF PANI Company
320 Cure Partners Private Limited-Navetor 1051 Punjab Safe Cities Project
321 CureMD 1052 Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF)
322 Cyan Capital 1053 Punjab Tourism for Economic Growth Project
323 Cyber Internet Services 1054 PureLogics
324 Cybervision International 1055 PWC | A.F. Ferguson & Co.
325 Dabur – Asian Consumer Care of Pakistan 1056 Qadri Group
326 Daewoo Fastex Courier & Logistics 1057 Qarshi Industries (Pvt) Ltd
327 Daewoo Pakistan Express Bus Service Ltd. 1058 Qatar Airways
328 Daftarkhwan 1059 QC Technologies
329 Dairyland(Pvt)Ltd 1060 Qordata
330 Dalda Foods Pvt. Ltd 1061 Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power Pvt. Ltd.
331 Danish Mashkoor Siddiqui and Associates 1062 Quality Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
332 Dany Technologies 1063 Quality Management Systems 9000
333 DAR Engineering 1064 Quantum Intelligence
334 Daraaz 1065 Qubit
335 Dari Mooch 1066 Quva
336 Dastak 1067 Raaziq International Pvt. Ltd
337 Data Science Dojo 1068 Rabtt
338 DataCheck Private Limited 1069 Rafhan Maize Products Co., Ltd
339 Datics AI Technologies Pvt Ltd. 1070 Raja Mohammad Akram & Co.
340 DatumSquare 1071 Rana Textile Mills Ltd
341 Dawlance 1072 Randstad Mena
342 Dawn Bread 1073 Ranipur Sugar Mills (Private) Limited
343 Dawn News 1074 Ransac Labs
344 Dawood Exports (Pvt) Ltd. 1075 Reach Group
345 Dawood Hercules Chemical Ltd. 1076 READ - Renewable Energy Applications & Developments
346 Dawood Hercules Corporation Limited 1077 Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan
347 Defence Housing Authority 1078 RED communication arts
348 Defence Housing Authority Multan 1079 Red Crescent
349 Degital Coversion Media 1080 RED SIGNAL
350 DeJure Law chambers 1081 Red Tape
351 Delivery Associates 1082 Reenergia
352 Deloitte Yousuf Adil 1083 Remington Pharmaceutical Industries (Pvt) Ltd
353 Deploy Pvt Ltd. 1084 Renesis Tech Pvt Ltd
354 Descon Chemicals Limited 1085 Reon Energy Solutions
355 Descon Engineering Limited 1086 RepairDesk Pvt. Ltd.
356 Descon Oxychem Limited 1087 Research and Development Solutions


Desider Labs 1088 RESO (SMC) Pvt. Limited
358 Desklers 1089 Retailistan (Pvt.) Ltd
359 Deutsche Bank 1090 Rewterz
360 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur, Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 1091 Rezaid Pvt Ltd
361 Developers Incorporate 1092 RIAA Barker Gillette
362 Development Action for Mobilization and Emancipation (DAMEN) 1093 Ricult Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.
363 DevStudio 1094 Right Angle Cosult
364 DevTrio Consultants 1095 RIPHAH University
365 Dewan Motor Limited 1096 RIZ Consulting
366 Dewan Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd. 1097 Rizvi, Isa, Afridi & Angell.
367 DF Deutsche Forfait AG Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. 1098 RIZWAN FAIZ AND ASSOCIATES
368 DHL Express Pakistan (PVT) Ltd 1099 RLTSquare
369 DHS International Pvt. Ltd. 1100 Robokids
370 DIC Pakistan Limited 1101 ROCHE Pakistan Limited
371 Digicom Technologies 1102 Rolustech
372 Digital Conversions Media 1103 Roots Millennium Schools
373 Digital Globe Services, Inc 1104 Rousch Power Project
374 Digital Mandee 1105 Royal Airport Services
375 Digital media startup 1106 Ruba SEZ Group
376 Digitz (Pvt) Limited 1107 Rural Development Foundation of Pakistan
377 Din Industries 1108 Rural Support Programmes Network
378 Din Textile Mills Limited 1109 S&P Global
379 DIY Geeks 1110 Saad Textile
380 Dogar Brothers 1111 Saba Power Project, Sheikhupura
381 Dollar Industries Pakistan 1112 Sabcon Associates Pvt Ltd
382 DOLMEN (Pvt.) Ltd. 1113 Sadaqat Limited
383 Door of Awareness 114 Sahil Seminconductor Inc
384 Dot Republic Media – Part of MVGMENA Group of Companies 1115 Saif Energy Limited
385 DRTECH PRIVATE LIMITED 1116 Saif Textile Mills LTD
386 (Formerly known as DinosoftLabs) 1117 Sajeel Mirza Mann & Shah
387 Dubai Islamic Bank 1118 Salam Planet pvt. Ltd
388  Dunya News 1119 SALAMA – Islamic Arab Insurance Company
389 DWP Group 1120 Saleem Memorial Trust Hospital - SMTH (Nishat Chunian Group)
390 Dynamic Engineering and Automation (DEA) 1121 Salesflo
391 E2E Supply Chain Management 1122 Salsoft Technologies
392 East River 1123 Sam Media Sdn. Bhd.
393 Eastern Group of Companies 1124 Samsons Group of Companies
394 Ebryx Pvt Ltd. 1125 Sanofi
395 Eccountant (Pvt) Ltd. 1126 SAP Middle East & North Africa LLC
396 Edify Consulting 1127 Sapphire Fibres Limited
397 EDKASA 1128 Sapphire Textiles
398 Edotco Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 1129 Sastaticket Private Limtied
399 Edtechworks 1130 SATMAP Corporation
400 Educative, Inc 1131 Saudi Chevron Phillips and Affiliates
401 EFU Life Assurance 1132 Save the Children
402 Ehsan Chappal Store (Pvt.) Ltd 1133 Sayyed Engineers Limited
403 Eiwan Development 1134 SBT Japan
404 Elaan Marketing 1135 Scanwell Logistics Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd
405 Elaan Marketing LLP 1136 Schlumberger
406 Elemech Pakistan (PVT) Ltd 1137 Schneider Electric Pakistan
408 Elixir Securities Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 1139 Sealed Air
409 Elixir Technologies Pakistan (Pvt) Limited 1140 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
410 Emaar Pakistan 1141 Seed Out
411 Emblem Technologies Pvt. Ltd 1142 SEED Ventures
412 Emirates Logistics LLC 1143 SeerSite
413 Emirates Supply Chain Services (Pvt.) Ltd 1144 Sefam
414 Enem Stores 1145 Senator Sherry Rehman’s Research Office
415 Enfrashare (Pvt.) Ltd. 1146 Sendoso
416 Engage Selection 1147 SENSEI CONTENT
417 Engin Technologies 1148 Serena Hotels
418 English Biscuit Manufacturers 1149 SereneAir
419 Engro Corp 1150 Service Industries Limited
420 Engro Digital (A subsidiary of Engro Corporation) 1151 Service Sales Corporation (Pvt.) Limited, (SSC)
421 Engro Energy 1152 Servier Research & Pharmaceuticals pvt ltd
422 Engro Eximp Agriproducts (Pvt) Ltd. 1153 SGS Pakistan (Private) Limited
423 Engro Fertilizers Ltd. 1154 Shabbir Textile Mills/Anam Weaving Mills
424 Engro Foods (Pvt) Ltd. 1155 ShadiBox
425 Engro Polymer & Chemicals 1156 Shadman Cotton Mills Ltd.
426 ENI Pakistan Ltd. 1157 Shafi Reso Chemicals, SRC (Pvt) LTD
427 EPAM 1158 Shafi Texcel Limited
428 Ericsson Pakistan Limited. 1159 Shahi Sawari (Private) Limited
429 Ernst & Young Ford Rhodes Sidat Hyder 1160 Shajar Capital Pakistan (Private) Limited
430 Escorts Investment Bank 1161 Shalamar Medical & Dental College
431 Esipick 1162 Shan Foods
432 EUC Solutions 1163 Shapes
433 Eutopia Solutions        1164 Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre
434 Excellence Delivered ExD (Pvt) Ltd. 1165 Shehri Pakistan – a project of Engage Foundation for Research and Dialogue
435 Experflow Measurements Inc. 1166 Sheikh & Dahir
436 ExperLabs 1167 Shell Pakistan Limited
437 Expert Flow Pvt Ltd 1168 Shezan International, Foods etc
439 Expertlabs 1170 Shield Corporation Limited
440 Express Tribune 1171 Shifa Foundation
441 EY 1172 Shirazi Trading Company (Pvt.) Limited
442 Fabcon Design and Engineering (PVT)LTD. 1173 Shirkat Gah
443 FABRO International 1174 Shiza Hassan
444 Fabro International Pvt Ltd 1175 Shopistan
445 Faletti's Hotel 1176 SHOPTRAV Technologies Private Limited
446 Far Eastern Impex (Pvt) Ltd 1177 Sialkot Airport
447 Farooq Spinning 1178 SICAS
448 Fast Cables Ltd. 1179 Sidat Hyder
449 Fatima Fertilizer 1180 Siddiq Leather Works (Pvt.) Ltd
451 Fatima Memorial Hospital (NUR Foundation) 1182 Siemens (Pakistan) Engineering Co. Ltd.
452 Fauji Cement 1183 Signify Pakistan Limited (Formerly Philips Pakistan Limited)
453 Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited 1184 Sika Pakistan
454 Fauji Fertilizer Company (FFC) 1185 Silk Bank Limited
455 Fauji Foods Limited 1186 Silver Star Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd.
456 Fauji Foundation 1187 SINA Health, Education and Welfare Trust
457 Fauji Fresh n Freeze Limited 1188 Sindh Education Foundation
458 Faysal Asset Management 1189 Sio Capital Management
459 Faysal Bank 1190 SIR Consultants
460 FCCI - Faislabad Chamber of Commerce 1191 Sitara Chemical Industries Ltd
461 Fecto Cement 1192 Sitara Group
462 Fecto Group of Industries 1193 Siza International (Pvt.) Ltd.
463 Ferozsons Laboratories Limited 1194 SKF Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.
464 1195 Sky Electric Pvt Ltd.
465 Fidorm 1196 Slash Next (Pvt.) Ltd.
466 Field Force Software Solutions Pvt Limited 1197 Smart Switch
467 Fieldforce Inc. 1198 SmartPrep
468 Finca Microfinance Bank(formerly Kashf Microfinance Bank) 1199 Smash Coud
469 FIND 1200 SME Bank Ltd.
470 Find My Adventure - FMA Pvt. Ltd 1201 SOC Films
471 Finja 1202 SOCH - School on Creative Hands
472 FinSurgents PTE LTD   1203 Soch Videos
473 First National Equities Limited 1204 Sofizar / ConstellationCK
474 First Recruitment Group 1205 Softech Systems Pvt Ltd
475 FiveRivers Technologies 1206 Softronic Systems (Pvt) Ltd
476 FlatRock Associates 1207 Softwood Private Limited
477 Flow Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd. 1208 Solex Chemicals (Pvt.) Ltd.
478 FMC United (Pvt) Ltd. 1209 SolutionInn LLC
479 Folio3 1210 Sonya Southern Travel Network
480 Food Panda 1211 SOOP
481 Foodingo Pte Ltd 1212 Soorty Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd.
482 Foodshoot 1213 Sophia Techie LLC
483 FOOMOTION 1214 Sozo Water Park
484 Forman Christian College 1215 SPAR Pakistan Private Limited
485 Foton JW Auto Park (Pvt). Ltd 1216 Special Monitoring Unit - Chief Minister's Office
486 Foundation Public School  (Head Start School System) 1217 Special Olympics Pakistan
487 Four Brothers 1218 Speridian Technologies
488 FRAG Games Pvt Ltd. 1219 SPI Insurance Company Ltd.
489 Friday POS 1220 SRC PVT LTD
490 Friesland Campina 1221 Srontsoot
491 Fun City 1222 SSS Educational Management (Pvt.) Ltd
492 Funverks Global Private Limited 1223 Stack Intel .IO
493 Futureonics Pvt Ltd 1224 Standard Chartered Bank (Pak) Ltd
494 Galadari Group 1225 Starcom
495 Galassia Studios 1226 Starcom Mediavest - Division of Brainchild Communications Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited.
496 Gallup Pakistan 1227 Starpak Martial Arts (Pvt) Limited
497 GE Transportation 1228 Starpak Martial Arts (Pvt) Ltd.
498 General Electric 1229 STARZPLAY By Cinepax
499 General Electric International Inc. 1230 State Bank of Pakistan
500 General Electric MENAT 1231 State Life Insurance Corporation Of Pakistan
501 Generation: You Employed 1232 STATT
502 Genetics Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd 1233 Stewart Pakistan Private Limited
503 Genie Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd. 1234 Stewart Technology and Business Services
504 German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI) 1235 Strategic System International
505 Gerry's Dnata Pvt Ltd. 1236 Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO)
506 GETZ Pharma 1237 Style Textile Pvt Ltd
507 GEXTON App 1238 Stylo Pvt Ltd
508 GFK Etilize 1239 Sublime Wireless
509 GGI Geneva Group International 1240 Sucsel
510 Ghandara Nissan Limited 1241 Sufi Group
511 Ghandhara Industries Limited. 1242 Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited
512 Ghani Automobiles Industries Limited. 1243 Sui Southern Gas Company Limited
513 Ghani Group Of Companies 1244 Sukh Chan Wellness Club (Pvt) Ltd.
514 Gharo Solar Pvt. Limited 1245 Sumitomo Corporation Asia & Oceania Pte. Ltd.
515 Ghulam Faruque Group 1246 Summit Bank Limited
516 GIFT University, Gujranwala 1247 SUPARCO
517 Giraffe Pvt. Ltd. 1248 Superior College Lahore
518 GlaxoSmithKline 1249 Suraj Cotton Mills Limited.
519 Global Engineering Services 1250 Surridge & Beecheno
520 Global Health Directorate Changing Pakistan’s Healthcare Landscape 1251 Suzuki Dealership
521 Global Software Consulting 1252 Swvl
522 Glocal EduProjec Pvt Ltd 1253 Synavos
523 GlowfishLabs 1254 Syngenta Pakistan Limited.
524 GO (Gas & Oil Pakistan Ltd.) 1255 Synnapps Ltd.
525 GOC (Pak) Limited 1256 Synthetic Products Enterprises LTD (SPEL)
526 Gohar Textile Mills Pvt Ltd. 1257 Systems Limited
527 Good Earth 1258 Systems Plus, Inc.
528 Goodcore Software (Pvt) Ltd 1259 Taavun (Pvt.) Limited
529 Google, Inc. Singapore 1260 Tahseen Consulting
530 Gorgov Digital Marketing 1261 Taiga Apparel Ltd.
531 GoSaas Labs Inc. 1262 Tailify
532 goto 1263 Takaful Pakistan Limited
533 Gourmet Foods 1264 Talking Point
534 Governance & Policy Project, Planning & Development, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1265 TallyMarks Consulting (Pvt) Limited
535 Government High School Moosawala 1266 Tanveer Group
536 Government Holdings (Private) Limited 1267 Tapal Energy Limited.
537 Government of Punjab 1268 Tapal Enterprises
538 Government of Sindh 1269 Tareen Education Foundation (TEF)
539 (Graana Pvt Ltd) 1270 Tarzz
540 GramIT 1271 Tasteland (Parent Company: " Allied Foods Pakistan " )
541 Grant Thornton Anjum Rehman 1272 Taurus Securities Limited
542 Grassroots Consultants Pvt Ltd 1273 TCL Communication Ltd
543 Greenstar Social Marketing (Guarantee) Limited 1274 TCL Pakistan
544 Grey Density Pvt Ltd 1275 TCS Private Limited
545 Grey Mackenzie Restaurants International Limited (Cupola - KFC Pakistan) 1276 TDEA-FAFEN
546 Grey Matter Global 1277 Teach A Child (TAC) School System
547 GroupM 1278 Teach for Pakistan
548 Grundfos 1279 Teach the World Foundation
549 Gtek Solutions 1280 Team A Ventures
550 GTZ Office Pakistan 1281 Tech Implement
551 Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp., Ltd 1282 TechJuice
552 Gujrat Steel 1283 TechLatitude 
553 Gul Ahmed Energy Ltd. 1284 Techlogix Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.
554 Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited 1285 Techloyce
555 Gulistan Group 1286 Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA)
556 GuruTrax Solutions 1287 Technology for People Initiative 
557 Habeeb Oil Mills 1288 Technosoft Solutions Inc.
558 Habib Bank Limited 1289 Techverx
559 Habib Metropolitan Bank 1290 Techworks (Pvt) Ltd. (Eat Mubarak)
560 Habib Metropolitan Financial Services 1291 Tekfirst (Pvt.) Ltd
561 Habib University 1292 Teknika Engineering Company Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.
562 Hafiz Brothers Media Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd 1293 Telenor Microfinance Bank
563 Haider Waheed Partners 1294 Telenor Pakistan
564 Haji Sons Group 1295 Teradata UK
565 Haleeb Foods Limited 1296 Teradata 
566 Halliburton 1297 Teratech Studios
567 Hamid ud Din Chaudhary Law Firm 1298
568 Happilac Paints 1299 Tetra Pak Pakistan
569 Harvest Global Markets 1300 Text Pvt Ltd
570 Hascol Petroleum Limited 1301 Thal Engineering
571 HASHOO GROUP 1302 Thal Industries
572 Hashtag Tribe 1303 The Agha Khan University
573 Hassan Kaunain Nafees Legal Practitioners & Advisors 1304 The Agha Khan University Institute for Educational Development, Pakistan
574 Hayat Kimya Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. 1305 The Asia Foundation
575 HCU Hossein 1306 The Bank of Punjab
576 HDL Smart Solution Pvt. Ltd. (Sole Distributors of HDL Automation China) 1307 The Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi UF J, Ltd
577 Helium (Pvt.) Ltd. 1308 The Benchmark - Chain of Cambridge Schooling System
578 Henkel Industrial Adhesives Pakistan Pvt Limited 1309 The Citizens Archive of Pakistan
579 Highnoon Laboratories Limited 1310 The Citizens Foundation
580 HILAL FOODS (PVT) LTD. 1311 The Coca-Cola Export Corporation
581 Himarerte Consultants 1312 The D'Hamidi Partnership
582 Himont Group 1313 THE DOT & LINE
583 HINOPAK MOTORS LTD 1314 The Dot and the Line (Pvt.) Ltd.
584 HireNinja 1315 The Educationist 
585 Hi-Tech Lubricants Limited 1316 the Entertainer Asia
586 Hitech Networks (Pvt.) Limited 1317 The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry
587 HiveWorx Pvt Ltd 1318 The FIRST MicroFinanceBank Ltd.
588 HMC, Taxila 1319 The Fletcher School
589 HOPP SHIPPING DMCC 1320 The Fuelers (Pvt) Limited
590 Horizon Technologies 1321 The Game Storm Studios (Pvt) Limited
591 House of Habib 1322 The General Tyre and Rubber Company of Pakistan Limited
592 HR Source 1323 The Hub Power Company
593 HRCP 1324 The i-Care Foundation
594 Huawei 1325 The Indus Health Network
595 Huawei Device Co., Ltd 1326 The Indus Hospital
596 Huawei Qatar 1327 The Institute for Policy Advocacy and Governance (IPAG)
597 Hum News 1328 The Lahore Knowledge Park
598 HUMAK ENGINEERING ( & MIA Commercial (Pvt.Ltd) 1329 The Nation
599 HumBike 1330 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC
600 Hustle N Holla 1331 The Oasis Golf & Aqua Resort (Pvt.) Limited
601 HY Enterprises Pvt Ltd 1332 The Orenda Project (Development)
602 i2c 1333 The Oxford Institute
603 i3RL Private Limited 1334 The Pakistan Business Council
604 Ibex Digital 1335 The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA)
605 IBEX Global Solutions (Pvt.) LTD 1336 The Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF)
606 IBL Group 1337 The Science School
607 IBM 1338 The Searle Company Limited
608 Ibrahim Fibres Ltd 1339 The Smart School
609 ICBC 1340 The TAQ Organization
610 ICI Pakistan Limited. 1341 The University of Lahore
611 ICL Sanitar (V Sanitary (Pvt) Ltd) 1342 The Urban Unit
612 iConsultant 1343 The World Bank
613 Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi 1344 Thomas Consulting
614 IdeaCentricity 1345 Tintash Pvt Ltd
615 Ideas 1346 Tkxel
616 IFFCO Pakistan (Pvt) Limited 1347 TMR Consultants
617 IGI Holdings Limited 1348 TMUC Pakistan
618 IGI Life 1349 TNS Beaconhouse
619 Ijaz & Ijaz 1350 Torrecid Middle East
620 IKEA Supply AG Liaison office Pakistan 1351 Torus Academy
621 ILF Consulting Engineers 1352 Total PARCO Pakistan Limited (TPPL)
622 ILF Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. 1353 Tower Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.
623 Imanami Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. 1354 Towershare (Private) Limited
624 IMFN 1355 Toyota Faisalabad Motors
625 Imran Khan Foundation 1356 TPL Corp Ltd.
626 IMSI Technologies 1357 TPL Holdings (Pvt) Limited
627 Imtiaz Super Market 1358 Trade  Ally International,LLC 
628 Inbox Business Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd 1359 Tranchulas Pvt. Ltd
629 Independent Media Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. (Geo TV Network) 1360 Trans World Associates (Pvt). Ltd.
630 Indus Motor Company Ltd. 1361 Transparency International Pakistan
631 Indus News 1362 TRG PAKISTAN, LTD
632 Industrial Development & Engineering Associates (IDEA) 1363 Triomada Plastic International Co. Ltd.
633 INFOGISTIC (Pvt.) LTD 1364 TriPack Films Limited
634 Information Technology University 1365 TRISOFT TECHNOLOGY (PVT) LIMITED
635 Innovation Group 1366 Trivium Student Facilitation Services
636 Innovative Development Strategies 1367 Pvt Ltd
637 Innovative Play Lab 1368 Turnotech (Pvt.) Ltd
638 Innovative Teaching Institute 1369 TxLabz
639 Innoventors Semiconductor 1370 Uber Technologies Inc
640 Innowi Inc. © 1371 UBL Fund Managers
641 Inov8 Limited  1372 u-blox Lahore (pvt) Ltd.
642 Instant Alliance 1373 Uch Power (Private) Limited
643 INSTAPLAST 1374 Ufone
644 Institute of Knowledge & Leadership 1375 UMT
645 Institute of Rural Management 1376 UNICEF
646 INTECH Process Automation 1377 UNICEF Pakistan
647 Integriti Group 3178 Unilever Middle Easts
648 Inter Market Securities Ltd. 1379 Unilever Pakistan
649 Interactive Group Of Companies 1380 Unique Group of Institutions
650 Interactive Health Solutions, Private Limited 1381 Unisys
651 Intercity Touring (Pvt)Limited, ITC Cruzer 1382 United Arab Shipping Company- UASC
652 International Automotive Engineers (Pvt) Ltd. 1383 United Bank Limited
653 International Foundations and Garments Pakistan PVT LTD 1384 United Distributors Pakistan Ltd. 
654 International Industries Limited 1385 United Energy Pakistan Limited
655 International Islamic University (IIUI) 1386 United Energy Petroleum ( Formerly known as BP Pakistan Exploration and Production Inc.)
656 International Petrochemicals (Pvt) Limited 1387 United Law Company
658 INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE LIMITED 1389 United Refrigeration Industries Limited (Dawlance)
659 Invest2Innovate 1390 United We REACH
660 InvoZone 1391 Universal Cinemas
662 IQVIS 1393 University of Central Punjab (UCP)
663 IRD 1394 University of Engineering and Technology (UET)
664 IRF 1395 University of Faisalabad
665 Irfan & Irfan Attorneys at Law 1396 University of Management and Technology
666 IRK 1397 University of South Asia
667 IRM 1398 University of Turbat
668 Islamabad Policy Research Institute 1399 Uniworth
669 Ismail Industries Limited 1400 Urban Developers Associates
670 IT Company Pty Ltd 1401 Urban Sole
671 Ithaca Capital 1402 US DENIM
672 ITT Foods SMC Pvt. Ltd. 1403 USAID
673 Ittefaq Building Solutions (Pvt) ltd. 1404 VAIVAL Technologies
674 Ittefaq Group 1405 Value Resources (Pvt) Limited
675 Ittehad Group 1406 ValuStrat Consulting FZCO
676 IUCNP The World Conservation Union 1407 Vanilla Arcade Pvt Ltd
677 Ivoke Private Limited 1408 VaporVM
678 Izhar Group of companies 1409 VARIOLINE INTERCOOL PAKISTAN (PVT)Ltd.
679 iZula 1410 VAS Global
680 J&P Coats Pakistan Ltd 1411 VEER Sports (Pvt.) Limited (A group company of “Forward Group”)
681 J. Walter Thompson 1412 VELOSI INTEGRITY & SAFETY PAKISTAN (PVT) Ltd. (VISP)
682 Jaffer Brothers 1413 Vending Machines Company Private Limited
683 Jaffer Group of Companies 1414 VenExel Technologies
684 Jazz 1415 VentureDive
685 JBS 1416 Viaesys Inc
687 JK Textiles 1418 Virtual Force
688 John Snow Inc, Research and Training Institute 1419 VIS Credit Rating Company Limited
689 Johnny & Jugnu 1420 Vision Air International (Private Limited) 
690 Johnson & Phillips Pakistan Limited. 1421 VisionX Technologies
691 Jotun 1422 Vivid Tech
692 JS Global Capital Limited 1423 vivo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.
693 JS GROUP 1424 Vodafone Qatar P.Q.S.C
694 JS Investments Limited 1425
695 Jubilee Life Insurance 1426 Wakhra Studios
696 Just eMenu Ltd 1427 WAPDA - Pakistan Water & Power Developmnt Authority
697 Justice Project Pakistan 1428 Ward Howell
698 Kaarvan Crafts Foundation (KCF) 1429 Watar Partners
699 Kalim Associates 1430 WBM International
700 Kansai Paint Co.,Ltd 1431 WeCrunch LLC
701 Kansas Software Technologies 1432 White Pearl Group Pvt Ltd
702 KAO & Associates 1433 Wilshire Labs. (Pvt) Limited.
703 Karachi Citizen Lab 1434 Women’s Empowerment Group
704 Karachi Down Syndrome Program 1435 World Health Organization
705 Karachi School of Business & Leadership  1436 World Wildlife Fund
706 Karandaaz Pakistan 1437 Xavor Corporation
707 Karss Paint Industries 1438 Xcentric Services
709 Kay Chemicals (Private) Limited 1440 xiQ Inc
710 KBK Electronics Pvt. Ltd. 1441 Xonique Netconsult (pvt) Ltd. ( AA NetConsult (pvt) Ltd.)
711 KeepTruckin 1442 Yard Stick Integrated Marketing Solutions
712 KeepTruckin, Inc. 1443 ZAFCO
713 K-Electric 1444
714 Keltha (SMC-Private) Limited 1445 Zarkhaiz Farms Pvt. Ltd
715 Khaadi 1446 Zigron
716 Khaleef Technologies Privae Limited 1447 Zindagi Trust
717 Khareed (Private) Limited 1448 Zodash Private Limited
718 Khud Initiative Inc. 1449 Zong
719 Kia Lucky Motors Pakistan Limited 1450 ZTBL - Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited
720 Kia Motors Corporation 1451 3 – Tree Solutions PVT.LTD.
721 Kids Kampus 1452 AdRush Digital
722 KIPS Education System 1453 Aenzay Interiors & Architects
723 KJB Enterprises Pvt Ltd 1454 Arzepak
724 KMLG 1455 ATTA ULLAH ENTERPRISES (AUE) – Life Technologies
725 Knowledge Platform Private Limited 1456 Big Byte Insights, Ltd.
726 Koç University 1457 Bizware (Private) Limited
728 KOHAT CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 1458 Blue Group of Companies
729 KPMG Al Fozan & Partners 1459 ConsoliAds Pvt. Ltd
730 KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. 1460 Crestex
731 Kualitatem  1461 Developers Incorporate
    1462 Din Textile Mills Limited
    1463 FashCo Technologies PVT (Limited)
    1464 FCCI - Faislabad Chamber of Commerce
    1465 Giant Precision (PVT) Ltd
    1466 Grassroots Consultants Pvt Ltd
    1467 Happilac Paints
    1468 HCU & Hossein
    1469 HDL Smart Solution Pvt. Ltd. (Sole Distributors of HDL Automation China)
    1470 Healthwire Pvt Ltd
    1472 InvoZone
    1473 ITT Foods SMC Pvt. Ltd.
    1474 JK Textiles
    1475 Leverify LLC.
    1476 Lotte Akhtar Beverages (Pvt) Ltd (LTAB)
    1477 Masood Textile
    1478 Munsalik Technologies
    1479 My Private Tutor Source (Pvt) LTD
    1480 Pakistan Mortgage Refinance Company (PMRC)
    1481 Parwest Group
    1482 Pensy
    1483 Plutus21 Capital
    1484 Premier Housewares
    1485 Saarey Ltd
    1486 Sahil Seminconductor Inc
    1487 Starpak Martial Arts (Pvt) Limited
    1488 STARZPLAY By Cinepax
    1489 Swyft Delivery Solutions Private Limited
    1490 TapTap, Inc
    1491 UHA Limited T/A UH Accountants
    1492 United Nations Development Programme
    1493 Vadion Pakistan (Private) Limited
    1494 Zigron