Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 2019
Doctor Brides of Pakistan

Female literacy rate in Pakistan remains low, and women are consistently underrepresented across all STEMM fields in the country. However, interestingly, the field of medical education is an exception.
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Harsher Punishments for
White-Collar Crime
From Federal to Provincial: Meeting
The Challenges of a New Institution

Researchers, Rajeev K. Goel and Ummad Mazhar, examine whether capital punishment acts as a deterrent to white-collar crimes, especially corruption and the shadow economy. Both corruption and shadow economy are widely prevalent. + read more

Can a semi-autonomous revenue authority improve revenue collection? The proponents of the revenue authority (RA) model say yes. New research from Mohsin Bashir uses the example of the Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) in Pakistan. + read more

Shanghai Silk Pharma Ltd:
Employee Turnover

Passing the Baton:
The GFC Family

This case highlights the issues of employee turnover and retention in a Chinese private sector pharmaceutical company. It discusses the reasons of high employee turnover and the company’s approach. + read more

The GFC group is in the process of transforming from a sibling partnership to a cousin consortium. The CEO, M. Ilyas, is confronted with many difficult decisions. + read more

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